G’day All,

A very quick and very essbase hacky one today (since we’re all essbase hackers at heart!)

From onwards you can no longer take an copy of a Planning BSO Application through EAS. You can still copy ASO apps and Essbase only BSO apps, but can no longer take a quick snapshot of a Planning app to do some modelling in. The function is greyed out when you right click on the App.
11111 - Copy

11122 Onwards - No Copy

Because that is still quite useful to do, particularly when:

  • testing data changes
  • reviewing historical recalculations so you can see a before and after
  • making sure my code actually works and doesn’t set fire to everything

Below is some Maxl code to get around it. This will copy the outlines, rules, scripts and data across. Note the 8 character limit for both apps and databases.

Create Application ‘TargetAppName’;
Create Database ‘TargetAppName’.’SourceDB1′ as ‘SourceAppName’.’SourceDB1′;
Create Database ‘TargetAppName’.’SourceDB2′ as ‘SourceAppName’.’SourceDB2′;
Create Database ‘TargetAppName’.’SourceDB3′ as ‘SourceAppName’.’SourceDB3′;

Best run from the MAXL editor in EAS.

This is a staggeringly inglorious hack, so treat it with caution. It has obviously been removed for a reason – though this may simply be to remove the confusion of planning/essbase apps.

You also need to be aware of your licensing agreement to make sure you’ve got coverage for Essbase only applications.

Finally, and obviously, I strongly recommend running this only in your dev/test environments. But as a great poet once said “there’s no test like production”


ps: I’m kidding. Don’t run this in Production. Seriously. They are Planning apps remember?? That’s why you’ve got LCM. Read the previous post. Sheesh.

2 thoughts on “EAS copy of a BSO Planning Cube post”

  1. Peter,

    It’s my understanding that this is all part of The Glorious March To The Cloud.

    It can’t be copied in PBCS (that is putting it mildly — there’s just the one app) and on-premises marches along sort of in step.

    Don’t knock it — Cloud money is trickling down to on-premises. So long as the products get updated…


    Cameron Lackpour

  2. Cam,

    Yeah – it’s interesting how much ‘stuff’ they are putting in as functionality for the cloud side. A whole mess more CDFs (still without much in the way of documentation), FDMEE for moving data between apps, dynamic member creation. Wouldn’t surprise me to see an integrated but cutdown DRM\EPMA function in there soon as well.

    I’m still going to miss EAS though *grin*.


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