So it’s always exciting being very cloud focused – every month you have new toys, bug fixes, changes to read. However even for 2019 (which has had some big releases already) June 19 is a pretty big one! I’m writing this as part of a blog hop (organised by the… Continue Reading PBCS & EPBCS What is Old is New Again!

G’day All, So – I spent 7 hours working through a fancy REST API script, reading optimisation notes on Powershell queries, and re-working and re-writing the code to be simple and clean to finally post up a detailed ‘warts and all’ article. And then I actually tried to use it!… Continue Reading Extracting Metadata from PBCS using the REST API – Updated!

G’day All, As is seemingly often the case – most of my REST API work is simply trailing on the coat-tails of greatness, aka: John Goodwin. Specifically a question came up in the OTN Planning forums Identifying Level 0 in metadata export Obviously there are a number of manual ways… Continue Reading Extracting Metadata from PBCS using the REST API

G’day All, Apologies – haven’t written in forever, real life got in the way as it sometimes does! But I decided to put something together on a new feature dropping in the Sept-18 PBCS release: Summary Level Drill. Summary what now? So FDMEE\Data Management has had the ability to drill… Continue Reading PBCS Summary Drill to Transaction

G’day All, So after a week of terrible terrible REST puns from yours truly and the usual suspects. I figured I’d write up something non REST related….you might even say unREST rela…okay, I’m done. So What Are We Breaking Today? For a recent project, we have been building a standard… Continue Reading Members to Strings, Planning Expressions and More CDF Fun

G’day All, Two posts in two weeks! So, this is really a continuation of the previous one. Just as a recap: the REST API is awesome It lets us do all of the same functions as EPMAutomate, but with significantly better error handling and logging abilities It also has a… Continue Reading RESTing around with PBCS 2 – Still RESTless

KScope Recap G’day All, So a lightning quick recap of KScope17. Cameron celebrated VE day Celvin met a deer Opal had a sugar high Gary drove a train Ludovic ate some tacos Natalie experienced Puppy Love Jason went to the danger zone Rodrigo grew a moustache Ricardo held an axe… Continue Reading RESTing Around with PBCS

G’day All, So Cameron Lackpour suckered engaged another extremely talented EPM specialist – Chris Rothermel – to write a guest post. It walks through a simple yet elegant code set to perform Automated Daily Timestamped Backups on PBCS. Given the consolidation Oracle Cloud products this process could be easily extended… Continue Reading EPMAutomate, PBCS, Backups and You!